Lawn Care Products & Turf Home / Compost, Fertilisers & Pest Control / Lawn Care Products & Turf / Miracle-Gro Evergreen Complete 4 In 1 500m2 Miracle-Gro Evergreen Complete 4 In 1 500m2 Miracle-Gro Evergreen Complete 4 In 1 500m2 £37.99 RRP: £39.99 Add to your Wish List Specifications Unique nitrogen formula for a rich green lawn Kills dandelions, white clover, plantains and moss Balanced fertiliser and potassium and nitrogen to help build a thick lawn Helps protect against heat, drought and other stresses due to the watersmart formula Contains MCPA, mecoprop-P and iron sulphate NPK 14-0-5 Product Code: 359856